Monday, January 29, 2007

Hey LPC!

If anyone is reading this over at the Liberal Party of Canada office, and I know some of you do from time to time (wassup?), here's a little project you may want to consider for this afternoon. Why not send out an e-mail, preferably this afternoon, to every Liberal on our e-mail list.

Mention how they've probably seen or heard of these new Conservative attack ads. Mention how they're silly and desperate. Mention how Stephane needs our help and support to take the LPC's positive message, of sustainable development and social justice and what not, to the Canadian people. Any donation can help, $20, whatever. We need your support to bring our positive message to Canadians and counter this Conservative negativism. And include a secure link where they can donate online with their credit card.

I think that would be a good afternoon project. Strike while the iron is hot.

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Anonymous said...

Good idea!

Olaf said...

Are you proposing that we use a sensitive time like this to raise money by email solicitation? You sicken me Jeff.

Jeff said...

Those of us who know Olaf will know he's not actually comparing people fleeing a war zone to lame attack ads, but rather is sickened by my new photo.

Dr. Tux said...


If you're serious, that's pretty harsh.

It would probably be a good idea, given that the Liberals need to raise a good deal of money for an inevitable election.

Steve V said...


That is a great idea. Those ads will surely motivate people.

Anonymous said...

Great idea.How about contacting some of the ad firms & see if they can give a little bit back for past & future considerations.Maybe we can see if anyone knows where the missing $$ are that the Cons keep yapping about.Surely there are still a few brown envelopes around.?

Anonymous said...

Just don't use the same ad firm the Tories used for the Dion ads. Refund anyone????

Dr. Tux said...

WTF does this have to do with Adfirms you rambling fools?

JimBobby said...

Whooee! JeffFeller, the onliest thing is the LPC'd hafta promise noit t' use the new money fer amkin' attack ads. I figger the Cons started the dirty ball rollin' but if the Grits start hittin' back the same way, I'll be welcomin' more disgusted CPC an' LPC voters t' the Green Party.