Thursday, January 18, 2007

Watching the CBC last night...

...and specifically Little Mosque on the Prairie. Like the premiere it was amusing but not spectacular. Which is fine for Canadian TV.

But they kept playing promos for the show during commercial breaks, with quotes from reviewers (Joe Siegel says it's a non-stop thrill ride, etc). That's when I heard something I most assuredly thought I'd never ever hear:

"'Allah be praised!' raves the National Post!"

Surely the end must be nigh…

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Steve V said...

"Like the premiere it was amusing but not spectacular. Which is fine for Canadian TV."

We sure set the bar high for the homegrown television don't we?

Jeff said...

Hey, it was no Danger Bay. What can I say?

Scotian said...

I rather enjoyed it myself. While yes it appears to be following the standard sitcom formula it does appear to be doing so in a competent and enjoyable manner. I'll wait until I have seen a few more episodes before I have much else to say about it, but the episode this week had me in stitches a couple of times and if that is all I get each week then it is still a good show/sitcom for me.

Jeff said...

Really, it's as good as any average American sitcom too. It's no Office, but I'd take it any day over According to Jim, or Two and a Half Men. It's just that it's an intriguing concept that has so much potential, you're hoping for more than an average sitcom.

Scotian said...


True, on the other hand that can develop once the main cast and characters are firmly established, that is one of the reasons I'll be waiting for a few more episodes. I usually give a new show the first half to first season to get their feet on the ground and like you I see the potential in this show. I just don't think the potential has been lost just yet is all. We shall see.