Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vote in the Liblogs video contest

Voting is on now in the Liblogs video contest. The creators of the winning video get $250 and there’s a number of good, creative videos, so be sure to go to the page, watch them, and vote for your favourite.

There’s actually two $250 prizes. One video will be chosen by voters online. The other video will be chosen by an expert panel including Senator Jerry Grafstein, Warren Kinsella, John Duffy and Ian Davey.

The following submitted videos were my three favourites, in no particular order:

Canadian liberalism

This was one of just a handful of submitted videos with a positive message; a positive message was a plus for me. It was simple, had a nice soundtrack, and I liked how it used regular people and conveyed a simple message in an understated way. Could have been a touch shorter, but overall very good.


A short video, which is good. And again a simple idea and a simple message. Amusing soundtrack. Not a lot of bells and whistles, just a simple and clear message to communicate, doing more with less. I liked the red strikeouts.

Stephen Harper: Death toll

Nice use of archival footage with John Diefenbaker arguing against the death penalty, interspersed with a picture of Stephen Harper and powerful text. The tolling bells also work very well. My only note would be to perhaps not have the Vote Liberal tag on the end, it might have worked better to just leave the message as is.

Don't forget to vote!

Liblogs Video Contest

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