Saturday, September 06, 2008

Caption contest: Emerson and Solberg

I haven't had a caption contest in what seems like forever. But with the news that both David Emerson and Monte Solberg are leaving the Harper government, this picture is just dying for captions.

And on Monte, I'm genuinely sad to see him go. Partisan disagreements aside, he seemed like a pretty good guy, a sincere guy, and a competent minister that did his job diligently. In opposition, he was a solid, capable opposition performer that caught my eye as a student on the hill in the late 90s, and an early pioneer of political blogging in Canada. He's still a young guy so it's odd to see him leave, particularly given it's a fairly safe seat. Still, I wish him well.

Anyway, caption away!

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penlan said...

Emerson: Looks like we're done Monte.

Solberg: Oooooh! Does that mean I no longer have to be a Conbot?

Robert said...

Emmerson: Race you to the door when the bell goes.

Solberg: You're on.

RuralSandi said...

Hey, Monte, he really is a jerk!

Anthony said...

Emerson: Can you imagine what it's like to un as a Tory in the City of Vancouver?

Solberg: I'm stunned...

900ft Jesus said...

Emerson: We're not in Kansas anymore, Monte.

(priceless picture!)

JimBobby said...

See you in the Senate.

Beijing York said...

Solberg (from the side of his mouth):

So which corp did you line up?

kenlister1 said...

The moment Harper turns his back, we make a break for it.