Friday, March 20, 2009

F*ck you Fox News

On a day when four more brave Canadian soldiers gave their lives in Afghanistan, I come across this video of Fox News openly mocking Canada and the sacrifice our country and our military has made in the country. I'm really pissed off right now. Hey Jason Kenney, as long as you're looking for people to ban from the country, how about the assholes at Fox News?!

**Help send a BCer to BC for the Liberal convention. Any support is greatly appreciated.

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WesternGrit said...

If it was some "liberal-mined person"... oh... let's just say an ELECTED British MP... who says something about a 3rd state (not even Canada)... well, then, Kenney will ban him...

Think he'd do that to Fox? Never. The Cons were behind the push to force the CRTC to allow Fox in Canada - at the behest of their Big Media friends (who they are also now vowing to fund - how's that for an easy vote influencing strategy... Get nice, friendly editorials by funding private media. Not that they don't get positive media from most of the privates in Canada right now... they just want a white-wash. The CBC (our only neutral network) won't exist, and they'll "own" all the private media - the Conservative plan)...

Out of breath... rant... rant... rant...

K-Rae said...

The fury is rising. Seriously. I kind of want to kick some serious ass...

Anonymous said...

Wow, they just get more childish by the minute, I haven’t seen a conversation like that since I was in grade six.

I agree with you, they mock one of the few nations left to support that mission after their asshole president dropped the ball over there to avenge his daddy in Iraq, and those soulless fuckers make fun of the fact that we have put all we can into it. Fuck them.

Saskboy said...

I got high blood pressure from this earlier today I think. Calmness hasn't returned. They are stupid enough to make me swear on the Internet for real.

capcha today is fulashme. Yes, fulashme, I can't take it anymore.

lyrical said...

When you post this video you give YouTube and Fox more hits, which in turn gives them (and Rupert) more advertising money. You've just been punk'd, so next time don't post 'em unless you WANT to support 'em.

RuralSandi said...

Too bad this couldn't be sent to Obama/Clinton/Gates and ask - this is the way you want to build allies?

Or, Jon Stewart/Colbert.


Fox news = Greg Gutfield = Rush Limbaugh = US Republicians =
Canadain conservatives = Fox news

sjw said...

I don't know whether to thank you or give you a shot in the eye for exposing me to that shite on this beautiful morning. The former is likely the correct measure as I am a huge believer in knowing your enemy. So, thanks. I think..