Thursday, May 21, 2009

My entry in the YLC's "Positive Politics" video challenge

The Young Liberals of Canada have come-up with what I think is just a great idea, particularly in light of the lead-balloon Conservative attack ads, and that's to launch a "Positive Politics" video challenge that invites Canadians to create and submit videos that put forward a positive message, for the Liberal Party and for Canada.

While I may still look 19 I actually ceased being a Young Liberal a few (yeah, let's say a few) years ago. I'm told however that the YLC contest is open to kids of all ages, and so while I'm better on the messaging side than I am on the video editing side, here's my crack at a positive message and my submission for the video contest.

I hope you'll consider entering the contest yourself, and help to spread the positive message I think Canadians are hungering for. Entries must be received by May 27th. As they're received, all entries will also be added to the YLC YouTube playlist, so be sure to check out the other entries.

Here's my entry, which I call "Is this your Canada?" I hope you enjoy it.

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K-Rae said...


PS. The CBC Closing Anthem, who's images you used, plays daily, every morning, in my high school. So I was like, omg, déja vu!

Steve V said...

Good stuff Jeff!

I thought Ignatieff was really good and sincere on the education front, glad you included it, because it's not sexy but that resonates with average Canadians.

Jennifer Smith said...

Well done, sir! And thank you for reminding me that I wanted to put one of those together. Hmm...


sassy said...

A well put together postive message issues that really matter.