Monday, July 06, 2009

The Conservatives have also lost our silver, platinum and palladium

My primary suspects were either Auric Goldfinger or Goldmember, but this news widens the potential field of suspects considerably:

More than just a fortune in gold is missing from the Royal Canadian Mint. Silver, platinum and palladium have disappeared, too, but the mint won’t say how much.

Independent audit results released this week found no accounting, bookkeeping or other internal errors to account for about 17,500 troy ounces of gold missing from the mints inventory, the equivalent of almost 44, 400-ounce bars valued at $15.3 million.

The probe by Deloitte briefly notes the mint has “also identified an unaccounted-for difference related to silver,” and asked auditors to determine if sloppy accounting or bookkeeping was behind that, too.

Christine Aquino, mint spokeswoman, said in an e-mail the missing $15.3 million in gold, “takes into account … all our (missing) precious metal, gold being the most significant component but also including silver, platinum and palladium metals.”
Gee, its a good thing the Conservatives and the Mint waited weeks and weeks (months?) to call in the RCMP. It's so sporting of them to give the potential thieves such a head start, and to allow time for any physical evidence to have likely degraded or disappeared. Must be part of their new "get tough on crime by giving them plenty of time to escape before chasing them" policy.

Somehow, though, this is the Senate's fault. I just know it.

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Kirbycairo said...

If it is not the Senate's fault they will find a secretary to a junior minister who will take the fall. Not only does the buck not stop at the desk of the PM but neither do precious medals.

Carter Apps, dabbler of stuff said...

In my opinion the mint (against its mandate and illegal) took part in price supression in the metals market by leasing out metals they were supposed to be storing as have many other mints, central banks and bullion banks. they leased it out to a new miner so they could sell it forward and get money to develop a project. As it was not actually sold it still shows up as a Asset on the Mint books even though it has been sold by the second party for a measly interest of about 1%.

Its going to be on the books someplace they just have not gone far enough back to find the entries.

lyrical said...

Perhaps our precious metals are on loan to the Federal Reserve.