Thursday, July 30, 2009

Michael Ignatieff tours Quebec

Le Soleil reports Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff will be touring Quebec this weekend (via Google Translate):

The leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Michael Ignatieff, visiting two ridings in eastern Quebec Saturday and Sunday, during its summer tour of regions.

It will stay in the district of Haute-Gaspésie-Matapédia-Matane-Mitis Saturday with his Liberal candidate Nancy Charest. Sunday, he will move to the riding of Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, where the candidate is not yet known. He arrived in Gaspé at 9am and will be received at City Hall by Mayor François Roussy.

He then will fly to Bonaventure, and went to Cascapedia-Saint-Jules visit the Museum of Cascapedia River, accompanied by the Liberal organizer Rémi Bujold. He will participate in the late afternoon at a meeting partisan Bonaventure.

According to Jean-François Latortue, spokesman for Mr. Ignatieff, the Liberals, both of these constituencies are prenables.
I hear his whirlwind Quebec tour will include Barrie, Mont-Joli, Amqui, Matane, Gaspé, Cascapédia—St. Jules and Bonaventure.

I wonder if Stephen Harper will be touring Quebec this summer? I hear they just love him there...

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