It has become a lazy slur, an oft-employed pundit crutch –
decrying the evils of partisanship, dismissing the opinion of partisans with
one brush, and apportioning a large share of the blame for what supposedly ails
our nation to the partisans. Well, let me take up that tarnished mantle and
proclaim I am a partisan, and I strongly believe Canada needs more partisans, of
all stripes.
As is often the case, it comes down to definitions. Like in
any group, there are good and bad. There are good journalists and bad
journalists. There are good bus drivers and bad bus drivers. And there are good
partisans and bad partisans. The Interwebs have certainly made the bad ones
more visible; they flood comment boards with talking points, troll nonsense on
Twitter refusing to listen to reasonable debate or consider other views.
And you can certainly argue offline politics has become more
negatively partisan, although the debate over why and how would be interesting
and complex. For example, those who decry partisanship are quick to highlight anyone
who deviates from a party line as disloyal, which only serves to cement the
partisanship they claim to decry. But I digress.
To dismiss all partisans for the actions of a fringe element
though would be, as I said earlier, a lazy slur. And counter-productive, as the
cure to the kind of partisanship we all decry is an engaged and informed
citizenzry. And that, my friends, is just another name for partisan.
We’ve all heard the numbers. Voter turnout is dwindling ever
downward, particularly for youth. And only two per cent Canadians belong to
political parties. Citizen engagement in our democracy is dangerously low, and
citizen engagement is crucial to a vibrant democracy and good government.
What is a partisan? They’re someone who has bucked this
trend of a checked-out citizenry. They’re someone who cares, and has engaged.
They’re someone who follows the issues, and has decided to get involved to
advocate for the issues they care about. They devote volunteer hours to policy
workshops, in the hope their ideas could become policy, and one day law. They
work to get candidates that share their views nominated, and then work to get
them elected, spending hours stuffing envelopes, putting up signs, and going
door to door trying to engage their fellow citizens in their democracy.
And most partisans I know freely admit that they don't have all the answers, that other positions have merit too, and that we should work together for common goals. What partisans, whatever their political allegiance, have in
common is the desire to build a better country, and the commitment to actually
roll up their sleeves and work hard to make it happen.
Along with those that
get involved with NGOs and other issue-based lobby groups, partisans are among
some of the few engaged citizens we have. And to the extent that the system
does work, to the extent that politicians and government do listen to the
citizens, partisans are a big part of the reason why.
Let’s continue to call-out examples of negative partisanship
when we see it, just like we call-out bad journalism. But let’s also call out
for more citizens to engage in our democracy, to take an interest, to get to
get involved and, yes, to become partisans.
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