Thursday, June 13, 2019

Eating up the Hill: Prime Ministerial lamb chops

As the clock winds down on the 42nd Parliament, it's reception and garden party season in Ottawa. And on Wednesday, Liberal staffers gathered at 24 Sussex for a garden party hosted by Prime Minister Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at his childhood home.

Last year the party fell on a damp day, but this year it was a perfect summer evening -- sunny, and not too warm, so everyone didn't need to congregate under the tent.

I counted four food stations not counting desert, although I didn't sample everything and only got a couple of photos. So let me run you through the menu.

I passed on the deep-fried cauliflower, for example. Seems to be on trend these days, but no thank you. I also heard tell of deep fried bison bites, but did not find the source of said bites. I also heard mixed reviews.

A Syrian caterer was back with falafel and what they called Syrian pizza; I sampled the latter after a very long line. It was a folded piece of roti (made on site) with cheese and veggies inside. Very tasty; I would have liked more.

I did manage to get a photo of the grilled chicken taco, served with a lime wedge. Very tasty, the grilled chicken was very flavourful and not dried out.

But my absolute favourite was the tandoori lamb chops. While  I came through the line at this station, there was a manager or someone insisting that everyone be given two, for which I was grateful as they were so good. Juicy and flavourful, served with a bit of slaw. The diced peanuts drizzled over the chops added a very complementary texture and flavour.

I heard from a few people that lamb chop-related mishaps are leading to dry cleaning bills; luckily, I managed to escape unscathed.

These lamb chops were the real change this garden party needed.

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