Friday, August 04, 2023

Eating on the Hill: The very Canadian catch of the day

 I don't find myself in the Parliamentary Dining Room very often -- I'm more of a cafeteria guy -- but back in May the boss and I were entertaining a visiting group of constituents and so I had the opportunity to enjoy a fancy lunch.

Usually I go for one of a few old stand-bys but, on this day, the special caught my interest: Crispy  pickerel in an orange beurre blanc with fingerling potatoes and fiddle heads.

A very Canadian offering indeed, well fit for the dining room of the Parliament of Canada, and so I placed my order.

And a tasty piece of Canadiana it was. I remember often fishing for pickerel with my Grand Father and watching him fry it up at home, to the annoyance of my Grand Mother for stinking up her kitchen.

This wasn't quite how Papa used to make it, but it was quite tasty, cooked well with a crispy skin and served in a generous portion. The fiddleheads were a fresh local delicacy and, while I'm not usually a potato guy, the thin cut fingerings with some crisp combined with the beurre blanc made them quite tasty.

All in all, as good a lunch as I have had in some time. Can't wait for my next excuse to visit.

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