Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Eating on the road: Restaurant La Sirène de la Mer in Montreal

 My last meal on February's trip to Montreal Restaurant La Sirène de la Mer, a Lebanese seafood place outside of the downtown core. Recommended by a friend, I knew it was fancy because the menu on the web site didn't show prices.

You enter the restaurant through the fish monger which was interesting. Sadly, I didn't know it was an option to pick our your fish and have them cook it up for you in the restaurant. As that would have been a cool option to try.

It's a fancier place as I said, not overly busy on this night, with the atmosphere marred by kids loudly running through it seemingly unsupervised.

I persevered and, with a menu showing prices in hand, perused my choices.

For my starter I opted for the Kébbé Meatballs, or Lebanese meatballs of minced beef. They were fine but needed a sauce or something; something was missing and the lemon didn't do it.

My starter out of the way, for the main and as it was a seafood restaurant I went for the fried fillet of sole on a bed of sautéed vegetables served with meunière sauce. 

Again, I was underwhelmed. The vegetables were good. The fish was of a good portion and well cooked, but it felt like there was something missing. It later occured to me it was the sauce. If it was there, it was not enough to be detectable. 

Finally, for desert, chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Which was needed as the cake was dry.

So, all in all, a mixed experience with average dishes, which was quite unfortunate given the price point. Maybe they had a bad day and I'll go back if my friend who knows the owners comes with next time. But an unfortuante way to end this trip after earlier great meals at Joe Beef and Stash Cafe.

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