I've been called a few times over the years for research surveys, on everything from politics to consumer goods. And if I have the time, I'm usually happy to participate. But I have to say I've never had a call for a survey like the one Leger apperntly put in the field recently: just how racist are you? (H/T to Scott).
The Léger Marketing survey, splashed across the front of the tabloid Journal de Montréal – the headline screamed "59 per cent of Quebecers say they are racist" – shows 15 per cent of respondents describe themselves as either "moderately" racist, and 43 per cent say they are "faintly" so. Another 1 per cent admit to being "strongly" racist.
I'm just flabbergasted, I mean, how would you do a survey like this?
Caller: Hello, I'm calling from Leger Marketing. Could I speak to a Mr. Smith please?
Smith: Yes, speaking.
Caller: Hello Mr. Smith. Would you have five minutes to answer a few questions for an important survey we're conducting?
Smith: …honey, the baby is crying!...Um, yeah, sure. Shoot.
Caller: Great, thanks so much. Fist I need to ask a few demographic questions for classification purposes. How old are you sir?
Smith: I'm 35.
Caller: And do you have a spouse and any children?
Smith: I'm married and I have a daughter.
Caller: Alright, and would you identify your self as Caucasian, First Nations, Black, Hispanic…
Smith: Caucasian.
Caller: Great, thanks Mr. Smith. Now the study we're conducting today deals with racial attitudes. Would you describe yourself as strongly racist, moderately racist, faintly racist, or not at all racist?
Smith: Excuse me?
Caller: Would you like to hear the choices again sir?
Smith: Yeah, sorry the baby is crying. Honey, get the kid I'm on the phone!
Caller: No problem sir. Would you describe yourself as strongly racist, moderately racist, faintly racist, or not at all racist?
Smith: Hmmm….Well I am somewhat racist, but I wouldn't say I'm strongly racist. What were the other choices again?
Caller: Strongly racist, moderately racist, faintly racist, or not at all racist?
Smith: I'm going to go with moderately racist.
Caller: OK then. Now let's talk about specific races you don't like… Recommend this Post on Progressive Bloggers
There was a poll in July just before the anniversary of the tube bombings about terrorists.
It surveyed people in the UK and found 2% were supporters of Al Qaeda!!
How do you think those questions were asked? And who would say yes!? Clearly your phones are tapped on that one.
I did this poll. About once a week I get an email to a poll being conducted by Leger - it was really interesting.
How did they conduct it? I've seen research like this where you note people's reactions to racially charged images or situations, but asking them is useless. I mean, how many people can admit that honestly? Real racists are hopeless un-self-aware: "I'm not racist...those people are objectively inferior."
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