Thursday, April 08, 2010

Rahim Jaffer: no logo, no influence

Word on twitter is that the Harper PMO has demanded embattled former Conservative caucus chair Rahim Jaffer remove the many prominent Conservative logos from his personal Web site. I guess his association with alleged con men, and allegedly busty hookers, is bad for government business. Plus the whole booze and drugs thing.

In cyberspace, though, you can never really erase these things from the record...

I wonder how long it will be before the disappearance of this photo is demanded too...

Meanwhile, spokespeople for the guy standing to the right of Rahim in that picture say it's "absurd" to thing the guy on the left would have any influence with him. I mean, it's not like he was once his hand-picked caucus chair or anything.

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Jay said...

Its gone (almost). A CPC icon still shows in the address bar.

Todd Retail said...

RJ gives busty hookers an unsavoury reputation by association.

Christian said...

Image dutifully stolen!