Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fun with Conservatives

Came across this Conservative blog posting about the Young Liberals’ cheeky Take Back Canada campaign:

Take Back Canada Liberals Say.

That is the message coming from the Liberal Party of Canada's youth wing. Take back from who exactly I am not quite sure. I never realized it was missing. Did you?...

Perhaps GPConservative should ask his leader, Deceivin’ Steven:
“The news is spreading throughout the world: Canada's back,” Mr. Harper told the Ottawa crowd Sunday.
So, there you go GPC, Canada was missing. How do I know? Harper told me it was. But thankfully what once was lost has now been found, courtesy Deceivin’ Steven. GPC goes on to say:
Canada was not stolen from them like a possession of theirs, as they seem to believe. Yet somehow they think there is a need to take it back.
Umm, see above. Did Harper get that message there GPC? I don’t think he did.

Speaking of arrogance, how about Peter Van Loan, who tells us only Conservatives are real Canadians?
"Let me tell you what a real Canadian is. A real Canadian is somebody that stands-up for middle class taxpayers, helps working families with lower taxes, stands behind our troops when they're off in Afghanistan, and who does what he said he would do. That's what real Canadians are, and those are Conservatives."

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burlivespipe said...

Great post, tho we can be assured that it'll whiz high above the heads of those CONservatoids. Canada is back to blue, I suppose, but this 'repeat the message until it becomes the truth' is getting kind of ridiculous, kind of like that 'New Government' thing. How many people were buying it? Perhaps after a few years of repeating the same ol' li(es)nes, ol' Deceivin' Stephen will make his wish come true. We already know he's softened his image ala 'looking for consensus on Afghanistan (no more my-way-or-the-highway; more of a my-way, the-highway or blacklisted)... So I guess if Canada is back, does he mean the deficit budget Canada, the extreme broken promises just because I had to fool yah Canada (at least Chretien/Martin manhandled the deficit to the ground), or maybe he means the Canada that has no independent foreign policy, that opens the doors to massive off-shore loading of our corporate and financial pillars, that Canada?
Didn't anyone tell Deceivin' Stephen that no one was looking for that one?

JimBobby said...

Whooee! This here Van Loan is soundin' more loony everytime he opens his yap.

Harpoon continues to demonstrate his pettiness and partisanship. Not content to celebrate Canada, he needs to imply that Canada was somehow MIA until the CPC came ridin' in in their white hats.

Deceivin' Stephen -- Divider in Chief.


Olaf said...


A real Canadian is somebody that stands-up for middle class taxpayers, helps working families with lower taxes, stands behind our troops when they're off in Afghanistan, and who does what he said he would do. That's what real Canadians are, and those are Conservatives."

I am absolutely stunned Van Loan said that. I mean the CPC implies it constantly (that only Conservatives are good Canadians), and to a certain degree, so does the Liberal party when it tries to equate "Liberal values" with "Canadian values".

But to come flat out and say it is outrageous. I hope he gets a political kick in the nuts for that one. Good catch.

Anthony said...

That Van Loan quote will be gold for the Liberal Party in the Next Election.