Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Baubles and trinkets and beads

Word on the street is if you're a Liberal MP who decides to "catch the flu" during the confidence vote, Stephen Harper will send you off to the Senate until you're 75 to help you recover.

My advice to opposition MPs: if you opt for the Conservative life insurance package, make sure you get it in writing. And make sure they clearly define what they mean by "financial considerations."

I'd say get it on tape too, but you know how they can be doctored...

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MrvnMouse said...

Are you serious? Or is this snark?

Jeff said...

They are indeed offering Senate posts, according to sources.

As for life insurance and financial considerations that was a snarky Cadman reference, but it would fit in with past behaviour...

RuralSandi said...

I saw Gerard Kennedy being interviewed by Duffy this morning and he didn't give details (which would drive Duffy nuts) but said that the CPC were making offers to Liberal MP's.

Thought you find this cute:

Top 10 reasons for replacing Stephen Harper as prime minister
By Charlie Smith
At the risk of being pursued by David Letterman's lawyers for copyright infringement, here are my top 10 reasons why Stephen Harper must be toppled:

10. We won’t have to see sweater boy and his demonic eyes on the news every night.

9. The Globe’s Jane Taber will stop writing gushing articles about Harper's wife Laureen.

8. No more businessmen will be guest hosts on CBC Radio’s The Current.

7. The military won't highjack Canadian professional sports events to trick our kids into becoming Taliban fodder.

6. Stockwell Day will have more time to go jet skiing on Lake Okanagan.

5. Maxime Bernier will try to become leader of the Conservative party.

4. Fraser Institute fellows won't get calls returned from the PMO anymore.

3. Elizabeth May can retire from politics knowing that her mission in life has been accomplished: Harper is no longer prime minister.

2. Stephane Dion will learn to speak better English.

1. It’s going to be fun watching Harper pack his boxes and load up the moving vans before vacating 24 Sussex Drive in the middle of winter.

Those interested in reading some of the more serious reasons for dumping Harper can go here.

RuralSandi said...

I saw Gerard Kennedy being interviewed by Duffy this morning and he didn't give details (which would drive Duffy nuts) but said that the CPC were making offers to Liberal MP's.

Thought you find this cute:

Top 10 reasons for replacing Stephen Harper as prime minister
By Charlie Smith
At the risk of being pursued by David Letterman's lawyers for copyright infringement, here are my top 10 reasons why Stephen Harper must be toppled:

10. We won’t have to see sweater boy and his demonic eyes on the news every night.

9. The Globe’s Jane Taber will stop writing gushing articles about Harper's wife Laureen.

8. No more businessmen will be guest hosts on CBC Radio’s The Current.

7. The military won't highjack Canadian professional sports events to trick our kids into becoming Taliban fodder.

6. Stockwell Day will have more time to go jet skiing on Lake Okanagan.

5. Maxime Bernier will try to become leader of the Conservative party.

4. Fraser Institute fellows won't get calls returned from the PMO anymore.

3. Elizabeth May can retire from politics knowing that her mission in life has been accomplished: Harper is no longer prime minister.

2. Stephane Dion will learn to speak better English.

1. It’s going to be fun watching Harper pack his boxes and load up the moving vans before vacating 24 Sussex Drive in the middle of winter.

Those interested in reading some of the more serious reasons for dumping Harper can go here.