Monday, March 08, 2010

With gold at stake, no Canadian dared flush

Came across this chart (h/t) released by EPCOR, the City of Edmonton's water utility, that shows water consumption in the city on during the Men's Hockey Gold Medal Game during the Vancouver Olympics, when a staggering 80 per cent of the country watched at least some of the game, which saw Sidney Crosby score a dramatic overtime winner to clinch the gold for Canada.

As you can see from the chart, Edmontonians raced to the washroom during the intermissions, causing a huge spike in consumption. No one dared flush in OT or during the medal ceremony, when consumption dropped to next to nothing. The spikes are truly impressive, and I'm sure would be mirrored across the country (Lake Ontario probably dropped a few inches). Cool of EPCOR to release the chart.

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