Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chretien and Martin teaming up?

I hear two former Prime Ministers will soon be helping out the Liberal Party on the fundraising front.

In the next little while I hear Jean Chretien and Paul Martin will be throwing their height behind some fundraising efforts on behalf of the party. At a minimum they'll be doing some e-solicitations, and maybe more.

While the cynics will have their fun I think it's a positive and helpful sign the party is uniting. I'm veering into speculation now, but I bet a dinner with the two of them as joint headliners would sell a few tickets.

And with that, I'll stop channeling Jane Taber...

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Ted Betts said...

If we really want to raise a ton of money from grassroots Liberals, the Liberal website should keep track and post how much money each of them has raised.

There is still enough bad blood/competition between them and their die-hard supporters that there would doubtless be a frenzy of dollar over dollar one-upmanship which could only help fill the coffers.


Jeff said...

No doubt Ted. Another possibility would be a pay per view boxing match, with a Herle/Kinsella undercard. I'd pay to see that...

Ted Betts said...

A live re-run of a Daniel Cleaver vs. Mark Darcy slap and spit fight!