Friday, June 04, 2010

Jack Layton and Darrel Dexter extended caption contest

NDP leader Jack Layton shares a laugh today with Nova Scotia's NDP Premier, Darrell Dexter today at the Nova Scotia NDP's annual convention. Now here's a photo that needs a caption. My extended contribution is below, feel free to leave yours in the comments...

Darrell: Jack, I know that you've been in a righteous lather over the HST in BC and Ontario. You're not going to give me a hard time for jacking-up the HST by two points, are you?

Jack: Of course not, Darrell, you're my boy! You're my boy! We'll just ignore the fact that Nova Scotia now has both an NDP government AND the highest HST in Canada, and hope no one notices our hypocrisy.

Darrell: Awesome, you da man, Jack! Say, by the way, are you going to let your caucus vote to kill the gun registry or what?

Jack: Gotta go my man. Solidarity!

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Kyle H. said...

Layton: Darrell my boy, how are you!? How's that HST hike going?

Dexter: Jack! I thought you would have been angry at the apparent hypocrisy?

Layton: Hypocrisy? Not at all. You raised taxes - that's what Dippers do!

*Maniacal laughter from both*

Greg said...

Layton: Did you see the polls Darrell? They say I would win an election if I was the leader of a united, left-wing party.

Dexter: What about Iggy?

Layton: Iggy who?

C4SR said...

Darrell: Awesome, you da man, Jack! Say, by the way, are you going to let your caucus vote to kill the gun registry or what?

Jack: No problem. 3 year olds don't vote.