Sunday, April 15, 2007

Caption contests are fun

I agree, caption contests are fun. So, here we go, caption away! And same ground rules, nothing racist please!

"The koolade is over there..."

"You're squeezing me a little tight Antonio..."

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Unknown said...

"nerd and nerdier, photo posted by nerdiest"

Anthony said...

"Anything is possible...if you just believe"

Psychols said...

Jason will be soooooooo jealous.

The Rhône Ranger said...

Antonio - it's not fair - I'm turtling - let go so I can go - please!

Jason Cherniak said...

"I know it was you, Antonio. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!"

Amanda Van Der Steen said...

But Antonio, Cherniak always gave me a reach-around...

Anthony said...

"Antonio clearly missed the speech"

canuckistanian said...


Jeff said...

"We have a car waiting for you out back Mr. Dion..."